The Central Australian Grass Guide was produced in 2006 under a project between the NTG and the CLMA.
In 2020 the CLMA reprinted the Grasses Guide and it is currently for sale at Red Kangaroo Books in Alice Springs, or via the CLMA for $25.
Contact us via email for a copy:
An erosion specialist in Central Australia is working to put soil in the spotlight, saying it is just as important as weed, fire and feral animal management.
In 2017, the CLMA ran a number of soil workshops as part of the Territory Natural Resource Management (TNRM) “SOILS: Sustaining Our Industry and Livelihoods project”.
Read more by downloading the article below:
A video explaining how to close down a track that is not used any more so that erosion is not created. Filmed on Aileron Station as part of a project funded by
The National Landcare Programme and the Territory NRM.
The 1960s drought across central Australia remains one of the most severe in living memory. In 1965, a team from the New South Wales Soil Conservation Service was tasked by the NT Administration to survey soil erosion across the region and make recommendations on what to do about it. A number of reports and papers were published at the time, but no further follow-up was ever envisaged.
One of the original members of that NSW team (Geoff Cunningham) had retained a collection of field notes, vegetation descriptions and photographs from the 1960s survey, and in 1992, the CLMA hired him to try to find as many of the locations as possible. Together with Bob Millington, Geoff was able to find 158 of these locations, which are spread widely across the district. At each location, Bob and Geoff put in a permanent numbered picket, took a photo and did a pasture and soil assessment. Geoff prepared a report to CLMA members on the changes observed between the 1960s and 1990s.
In 2001 Dr Dionne Walsh was hired by the CLMA to find and assess the Cunningham sites again. Dramatic changes had occurred at many of the sites in the ~35 years since they were first visited
It has been almost 60 years since the sites were first described, and 20 years since they were last visited. The recent improvement in seasonal conditions would be beneficial for a re-assessment. There has been quite a lot of turn-over in property ownership and generational change since the early 2000s. As a result, many people may not be aware of these valuable historical sites, so a project to reacquaint CLMA members and non-members could be beneficial.
Ecosystem Management Understanding is a process that aids land managers to recognise and read landscape processes, condition and change. Click on the link below to find out more about some of the properties that have been through the EMU process. The CLMA continues to support EMU™ through on ground works, mapping, monitoring and takes landholders through the initial mapping process. Please contact us for any inquiries.
For more information regarding the EMU process, visit the
EMU website.
Postal address:
PO Box 2534
NT 0871
Phone: (08) 8956 9779
Mobile: 0409 670 887
Postal address:
PO Box 2534
NT 0871
Phone: (08) 8956 9779
Mobile: 0409 670 887
The CLMA would like to acknowledge the support it received in 2022
from the NTG Community Benefit Fund- Minor Community Grant Program to upgrade this website.
All Rights Reserved | Centralian Land Management Association (CLMA)